
Our publications are presented here. Please feel free to download them.

The can be searched by key words such as, ‘Reports’ or  ‘Research Papers’ or by ‘subject’ or other key words. If you have any issue finding any document please contact E4C.

Data innovation in response to COVID-19 in Somalia: application of a syndromic case definition and rapid mortality assessment method
No. 8 BRCiS: Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring in IDP Populations

Report on Round 8 – December 2023
Report issued: 31/01/2024

No. 7 BRCiS: Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring in IDP Populations

Report on Round 7 – October 2023
Report issued: 31/10/2023

Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring System (NMS)

Synthesis Report (July 2022- April 2023)